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- Use Internet to find the information required and pictures. For example:

 - A3 size card to make a Poster/ Leaflet/Lapbook

- Pencil /ruler/rubber...

- Crayons/ Markers/ Coloured pencils

- Glue stick

- Scissors



 1.-We divide the students into teams of three kids each.

 2.-Teacher gives each team the name of a woman who has ruled a country o territory in history, for example:


 .-MICHELLE BACHELET (Chile)                    .-ISABEL II (España)

 .-REINA VICTORIA (Inglaterra)                      .-MARGARET THATCHER (Reino Unido)

.-CLEOPATRA (Egipto)                                   .-CATALINA II (Rusia)

.-URRACA DE CASTILLA (España)                .-ISABEL II (Inglaterra)

.-CRISTINA (Suecia)                                       .-ISABEL LA CATÓLICA (España)

.-MARIA I (Escocia)                                         .-INDIRA GHANDI (India)

.-GUILLERMINA (Países Bajos)                      .-BEATRIZ DE HOLANDA (Holanda)


3.-Students have to find information in Internet to complete the following STRUCTURES:

        .-Woman´s name

        .- Picture

        .- The country/territory she ruled

        .-The map that places the country in relation to the world

        .- The flag

        .- When she was born

        .- When she died

        .- How many years she was ruled

        .-The historical period

        .-The most important achievements of her government

        .-Other rulers from the time she lived

        .-Other information they think is interesting...

 4.- They have to put all the data in the Poster/ Leaflet/ Lapbook as they want.

 5.- Finally , they will explain it orally in front of the class so this way they´re developing their written, oral and art skills.

6.- When this part of the activity is finished we do an exhibition with all the posters in the corridor.

Susana María de Prada


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